We’re still not where we need to be.
This isn’t the email we wanted to send today, but it’s important we tell you this.
Even after all the outreach we’ve done this week, our fundraising still isn’t where it needs to be in order to meet our critical FEC goal tomorrow night.
Here’s why that’s bad news: Normally, our campaign sees a spike of donations over the last week of the quarter. Those calculations are factored into our overall plans for reelecting Ro in November.
Losing momentum right now just isn’t an option. There are a lot of progressive battles we need to be prepared for, and we have to defeat Ro’s opponent on Election Day. Can you rush a contribution to help us close this gap?

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We know that right now, the election might seem far away. But there are critical investments that we have to make now – in infrastructure, data, staff, and more – that make a much bigger impact if we start today, rather than later on in the cycle.
A huge portion of our resources come in through email donations just like this one. That’s why our average online donation for this cycle is just $18.70.
Right now, our team is working hard to close this gap. Can you jump in with your first donation right now? Even $3 can make a big difference when we put all our progressive power together.
Thanks for all the support. People like you are the reason why Ro has been able to fight so powerfully for progressive policies like Medicare for All, powerful action on climate, and introducing a livable wage.
Ro Khanna