Dear John,
The battle we’re facing in Washington for the future of Social Security and Medicare is very real. And it will have profound consequences for your family’s financial security and well-being.
One thing’s for certain: There is a powerful coalition of so-called “fiscal hawks” in Congress who are committed to dismantling Social Security and Medicare. And we’re already seeing outrageous proposals emerge out of Washington that could lead to devastating benefit cuts.
So this is not a time to sit on the sidelines and hope for the best. Please make one urgent donation of $10 or $5 today to help the National Committee put massive grassroots pressure on Congress to protect and strengthen Social Security and Medicare now.
The National Committee needs you and your fellow older Americans to be on the front lines of this debate about the benefits you’ve paid into and earned during your working years. As President of the National Committee, I represent literally millions of grassroots members and supporters — people like you, who want their voices heard, their views represented, and their earned benefits protected.
And believe me, during this critical mid-term election year lawmakers will be listening to senior voters — you have enormous influence over what happens next to Social Security and Medicare!
Please help us amplify your voice and views on Capitol Hill by chipping in a gift in whatever amount you can safely afford today.
Max Richtman
President & CEO