
I was extremely saddened to learn of the passing of former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright last week. She was a true trailblazer in every sense of the word. At a time when women were not the faces of power in this country, she successfully led the State Department with poise and patience amidst intense scrutiny and, at times, unfair criticism. As a champion of human rights and a defender of democracy, her legacy will not soon be forgotten.

She came to this country as a refugee and worked her way up to become the nation’s top diplomat. She truly lived the American dream and navigated the perilous post-Cold War waters of Western foreign policy with brilliance, strength, and courage. She will be missed by many and may her legacy be an inspiration to us all in these uncertain times.

Recently, our campaign travels took us to NW Iowa, and we made a quick stop in Crawford County (yes, Democrats do live there) to say hi to my good friend, Dave Muhlbauer. Dave and I share many of the same values of integrity, the dignity of work, equality, and the power of perseverance. Both of us grew up on farms, and we know that too many Iowans, especially in our rural regions, have been left behind and continue to struggle. Folks across the state are concerned about healthcare costs, inflation, and the rising costs of prescription drugs. We need to get back to talking about pocketbook issues in rural counties. The energy for new ideas and hope for a better future is there. We just need to tap into it, and I know Democrats can win statewide races again.

Our next stops were in Storm Lake, Pocahontas, Le Mars and my old stomping grounds in Lebanon, Iowa. It was great to see my sister Marti and visit the farm where I grew up. We had terrific turnouts at all of our events, and we even found a 20th century relic in Le Mars, a good old fashioned telephone booth! Thank you to all who attended, and if you would like to host an event in your county, please email us at [email protected].


Last week, Cedar Rapids Councilman, Dale Todd, officially joined Team Franken as an endorsement. We appreciate all of our enthusiasm in Cedar Rapids, and we continue to build relationships across the entire state. Councilman Todd leads with a solutions oriented approach, and it is an honor to have his support. Please check out our full list of endorsements here!


Franken for Iowa 


37 cities and towns visited this cycle

34 counties visited this cycle

7200 petition signatures

22 counties with over 100 signatures

93 out of 99 counties with signatures submitted


Upcoming Events


I’ll admit it. It’s been a tough few years for Democrats in our state that I love so much. But, it’s time to get up off the mat, dust ourselves off, and get back in the fight. I can feel and see the momentum building for our campaign the closer we get to Election Day. This race is winnable. Make me your nominee, and let’s shock the world by finally putting Senator Charles Grassley out to pasture.


Mike Franken, VADM, U.S. Navy (ret.)