Are you one of the entrepreneurs, executives, business owners, business managers, marketers or developers whose world of customer value is undergoing rapid and fundamental change? You are probably realizing that it’s not possible for firms to create value for customers anymore, even though business schools and business books still use that language and purport to teach that process. Today, value is emergent. Even customers can’t know what value they will experience when they begin to let a new product, service, or technology into their lives. Value is an outcome even they can’t predict.

This makes everything you thought you knew about value wrong.

The place to start when re-thinking the value process is the mind of the customer. That’s where Austrian economics starts—by observing human action we can deduce motivation. By combining Austrian economics principles with the latest thinking in technology, psychology, and commerce, the Mises For Business project from the Mises Institute helps everyone in business. That’s because everyone in the modern firm must be obsessed with facilitating great outcomes for customers. We offer a couple of great beginning points for you to start thinking better by thinking Austrian. Listen to our weekly Economics For Entrepreneurs podcast for ideas and the most advanced research.
And sign up for our free e-book, Understanding The Mind Of The Customer here.

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