Dear friend,
I'm not going to lie: These are difficult days for criminal justice reform. We need your support if we have any hope to regain momentum:
Every day there seems to be another story about rising violent crime, followed by another story in which a politician is blaming criminal justice reform for the increase. It's not true, but the attacks are hurting our work in states around the country.
From Pennsylvania to Washington State, we are seeing lawmakers back away from the smart reforms we need and support. Worse yet, in places like Tennessee, we are seeing a revival of harsh sentencing proposals which would drive prison populations even higher and require building more prisons.
Will you please help us fight back against these bad faith ideas by donating today?
FAMM has been around for 30 years, and we've been through bad times before. We know what it takes to build support for reform when the tough-on-crime crowd is trying to scare everyone.
But we can't fight without your support. If we are going to succeed, we will need your help. Can we count on you?

Kevin Ring
President, FAMM