The March 31 goal: $20,000
Your gift: Pending >>
Hi. We’ve got really good news. Are you ready?
OK, HERE GOES: the numbers are in. We’ve already raised $9,672 - meaning we’re just $10,328 away from our end of quarter fundraising goal! Sounds like a long way to go –– but with the support of this loving and passionate community behind us we can achieve anything! So, are you with us?
This summer thousands of athletes will FINALLY have the opportunity to get back on the field - in person - to compete. But we need your support to help make sure they’re ready. We are hoping to raise $20,000 before midnight on March 31 and you can help TODAY >>
Just so you have the most up-to-date numbers, here's what we have on record for you for March 2022:
Goal: $20,000
Supporter ID: 103260329
Donor status: Pending
Suggested gift: $50
It’s this simple: The more you can give, the closer you get us to that $20,000 goal, and the greater your impact will be on the lives of these athletes. You know how we know that’s true? Because of athletes like Mackenzie Beauvais-Nikl.
Mackenzie has been a Special Olympics Colorado athlete for more than 10 years and is breaking boundaries by being the first-ever Special Olympics athlete globally to serve as Co-Chair of a Special Olympics Program Board of Directors.

Through her leadership Mackenzie is making real changes that positively impact her fellow athletes and she is helping pave the way for other people with intellectual disabilities (ID) to hold leadership positions at Special Olympics and beyond.
That’s the kind of real impact you can have. When you give $50, or more by March 31, your gift will help athletes have an impact both on and off the field.
So what do you say? Are you with us?
Huge thanks,
The Special Olympics Team