AB 1993 is ON HOLD!!
It is NOT Dead (yet)
This afternoon, Asm Buffy Wicks tweeted that she is putting AB 1993 (mandates COVID-19 for all CA employees and independent contractors) ON HOLD (https://twitter.com/BuffyWicks/status/1508924855592255491). On hold does NOT mean this bill is dead or defeated. Asm Wicks’ tweeted ”This provides for us the opportunity to work more collaboratively with labor and employers to address concerns raised by the bill. That is why we have decided to put AB 1993 on pause, and allow space for these conversations to continue and progress.”
Let's Celebrate this Victory
but We cannot Lower our Guard!
While AVFCA hopes it won’t be, but AB 1993 could be reintroduced any time prior to May 27th, 2022. Your letters, phone calls and activism helped get us to this point. There is significant opposition to AB 1993 from various industries, small business organizations, public safety officers and many more (you can read the legislative analysis here: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billAnalysisClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220AB1993#)
A Voice for Choice Advocacy will continue working with our lobbyists and other CA organizations to fight the bad bills!
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Together we can make change happen!
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
