Last week, the Southern Poverty Law Center released hundreds of
emails from Stephen Miller filled with extremism, racism, and
We already knew Miller was a white nationalist in the Trump
Administration. These leaked emails confirm it.
It’s why Bend the Arc has worked since 2016 in coalition with other
Jewish organizations and allies to say: we reject Stephen Miller.
The good news: This time, over 80 Members of Congress came
out in agreement — and they're calling on Miller to resign
Our public pressure is working. Can you invest
right now in Bend the Arc's work to remove white nationalists from our
$18 to support Bend the Arc’s work to remove bigots like Stephen
Miller and expel white nationalism from the halls of

This is bigger than just Stephen Miller.
At Bend the Arc, building toward an inclusive, multiracial
democracy means fighting against white nationalism in all
This fall, when former Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen
Nielsen — who was directly responsible for implementing Trump's family
separation policy — attempted a comeback tour, Bend the Arc sprang
into action.
Together with CREDO Action, Define American, and thousands of
people across the country, we turned up the pressure, making it clear
that there’s no soft landing for officials who terrorize immigrant
The results? Nielsen dropped out of the Atlantic
Festival,3 and prominent figures like Hillary
Clinton, dream hampton, and Brandi Carlile refused to share a stage
with her at Fortune's Most Powerful Women Summit.4
These are the moments our staff and leaders have been training for,
and we know that there will be even more of them in 2020.
$18 now to support this bold, rapid organizing in times of
Every day that white nationalists like Stephen Miller are in power,
thousands of families are under attack — and we have to put a stop to
Thank you for supporting Jewish organizing for an American future
where all who are seeking safety can find it.
In solidarity,
The Bend the Arc team
1. Southern Poverty Law Center, “Steven
Miller’s Affinity for White Nationalism Revealed in Leaked
2. HuffPost, “Over
80 Members of Congress to Miller: Resign From White House Now”
3. Common Dreams, “'No
Soft Landing': Former DHS Head Kirstjen Nielsen Leaves Atlantic Ideas
Festival Stage After Outrage From Grassroots Movement”
4. Slate, "Hillary
Clinton Backs Out of Fortune Event Co-Starring Kirstjen