Hispanic Federation and the Brennan Center are co-hosting a series of discussions that will provide an update on the redistricting process in North Carolina, Florida, Texas, and Georgia. Panelists will discuss the impact that the new maps will have on the Latino community, upcoming elections, and representation at all levels. RSVP today
Florida: Thursday, March 31, 10:30 a.m. ET
Speakers: Laudi Campo, Florida Director, Hispanic Federation // Miranda Galindo, Senior Counsel, LatinoJustice, PRLDEF // Thomas Kennedy, Policy Advisor, Florida Immigrant Coalition // Jackie Colón,
Southeast Regional Director, NALEO Educational Fund // Joel Flores, Mayor, City of Greenacres // Moderator: Mireya Navarro, Editor in Chief, Brennan en Español
Texas: Thursday, April 7, 1 p.m. ET
Georgia: Thursday, April 14, 11 a.m. ET