We can expose the truth and move to a clean energy economy, with your help.
Friend —

BREAKING NEWS: Big Oil CEOs REFUSE to testify before Congress.

The CEOs of Big Oil companies are artificially inflating gas prices in response to market shocks stemming from Russia’s war against Ukraine. At the same time, they’re working to block renewable energy investments that would increase America’s energy independence.

Congress has called the CEOs to testify about inflated gas prices, but so far Congress has been met with silence. At LCV, we’re pushing to ensure that our elected officials hold Big Oil accountable for putting profits over people, their health, and their future.

Can you help LCV hold Big Oil accountable with a gift of just $5 to support our work?

As oil and gas prices rise for consumers, industry executives continue to mislead policymakers and the public. The truth is that Big Oil wants to use the crisis in Ukraine to win new drilling leases that would lock our nation into decades of climate-damaging emissions while doing nothing to bring down prices.

To truly stabilize energy prices and salvage the future of our climate, we must break our dependence on dirty, dangerous and unreliable fossil fuels and invest in clean and renewable energy now.

That’s why, throughout the last year and continuing today, LCV has been engaged in our largest non-electoral campaign ever to pressure Congress to pass legislation that would address the climate crisis, create good-paying clean energy jobs, reduce families’ energy costs, and ensure a more just, equitable future for all.

Now, we need supporters like you to step up and help us continue to apply pressure on Congress to pass comprehensive climate legislation. Can you chip in $5 to help?

If Congress invests in clean energy, we can speed up the production of cheaper, more reliable energy right here in America…create millions of new good-paying jobs while making sure our energy prices aren’t impacted by foreign supply chain disruptions or conflicts overseas…lower families’ energy bills and decrease the cost of gas. It’s up to Congress to deliver for the American people.

Please help our work to hold Big Oil accountable and push Congress for climate action now. Make a gift of just $5 to LCV today.

Our campaign is already working, Friend. Climate champions in Congress are calling for Big Oil CEOs to testify and answer for higher energy prices. But since they've refused to come to Washington to answer for their actions, we need to call out these CEOs for their acts of cowardice.

Now is a critical moment for the future of our energy security and for our climate. LCV’s work to secure a healthier, safer, more just future for all is only as successful as your support. Please make a gift of just $5 today.  

–Gene Karpinski
League of Conservation Voters
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