Paguenme lo que me deben.

Hi John,

Don’t act like you forgot, John: it’s Latina Equal Pay Day! Today we recognize that Latinas nationally are paid just 54 cents for every dollar paid to white men 🤔. That means Latina women have to work nearly 23 months just to catch up to what the typical white man was paid in 12 months in 2018. We say “paid” because it’s not about how much Latina women earn; it’s about how much we as a society choose to pay (aka underpay) them.

This is a choice, but we can make another choice. Tell the Senate to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act, which would help close the wage gap for Latina women.

gif of Rihanna saying pay me what you owe me, don't act like you forgot

No actúes como lo olvidaste, John: ¡hoy es el Día de la Igualdad de Salario para mujeres Latinas! Este año reconocemos que a las latinas a nivel nacional se les paga solo 54 centavos por cada dólar pagado a los hombres blancos 🤔. Eso significa que las mujeres latinas tienen que trabajar casi 23 meses solo para ponerse al día con lo que le pagaron al hombre blanco típico en 12 meses en 2018. Decimos "pagado" porque no se trata de cuánto ganan las mujeres latinas; se trata de cuánto nosotros, como sociedad, elegimos pagar (es decir, pagar de menos).

Esta es una elección, pero podemos hacer otra elección. Dígale al Senado que apruebe la Ley de Justicia de Sueldo hoy, que ayudaría a cerrar la brecha salarial para las mujeres latinas.

Tax. The. Patriarchy.

Last week we launched a brand new campaign about a not so brand new problem: the patriarchy. You’ve heard of the pay gap. You’ve said #MeToo, or know someone who has. You know that anti-abortion legislators are trying to ban our right to bodily autonomy. And you know that the patriarchy plays no small part in those problems. But you may not have realized that our tax code has also been skewed by patriarchal forces — or that we can use the tax code to address many of the issues we care about.

We’re here to change that. We want to demystify the tax code and show that we can use taxes as a force for promoting gender equity instead of a roadblock. In fact, the very idea of taxation is a progressive one. At its core, taxation is about redistributing wealth. It’s just a matter of who we’re choosing to redistribute our resources and wealth to. In a new set of papers, we argue that if we want to tackle gender justice (and, if you know us, you know we do), we need to make tax justice a key component.

FEATURED: Abortion, Actually

We’re fed a lot of misinformation about abortion. But what is abortion, actually? Abortion is love, it’s compassion, it’s healing, it’s selflessness. It’s something one in four people will experience in their lifetimes. It’s time to talk about what abortion actually is. Actually, it’s past time: I’m done with hearing “well, actually” from mansplainers. I only want to hear about abortion actually from here on out.



  • We fought the law and we won: how we stopped the Trump administration from allowing virtually any individual or entity involved in patient care to refuse to do their job and to deny patients care and information.
  • What’s driving rising prices for low-income women? Inflation, or, as we call it: the gender cost gap.

Your Feminist Moment of Joy

Gay-la? Gah-la? GAY-LA? GAH-LA? However you pronounce it, we had our annual gala last week! If you weren’t able to join us in person, you can now catch up on alllll the feminist moments of joy from the spectacular night on our website. Maybe by next year’s gala we’ll figure out how to say it.

gif of Rihanna at the met gala

Hannah Finnie
Senior Manager of Campaign and Digital Strategies
National Women’s Law Center

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