
The Democrats’ reign has been expensive and tyrannical. As American families continue to suffer - I know we can’t afford another two years of this.

Let me remind you the Democrats wanted to add $3 TRILLION of our tax dollars to the national debt so they could roll out a disastrous Socialist agenda!

After defunding our police, supporting trillion-dollar giveaways, and opposing our energy sector, many Democrats have now backtracked - claiming they want lower prices, more police, and an energy-independent America, all because of their low poll numbers in an election year! We see right through them and their lies.
We all know actions speak louder than words. America could have avoided this entire situation if the Left had abandoned their insane Socialist agenda and instead worked with Republicans to help heal our nation with a bi-partisan approach.

Thank you for supporting the fight, 
Beth Van Duyne

P.S. The End of Quarter Deadline is Thursday at midnight. I appreciate any support you can give in order for me to continue fighting in Congress, our country depends on it!