Hey there, I know how invested you are personally in solving the climate crisis so I wanted to share our 2022 priorities with you. 

I’m hoping you’ll read this through, and if you can, chip in a few dollars to help us raise the kind of money we need to build support for these bold and transformational climate solutions >>

Our 2022 Policy Roadmap consists of seven policy areas which must be addressed in order to realize our vision of a climate-safe future. They include:

  1. Clean Energy Economy: We cannot realistically achieve climate stability until we drastically reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. 
  2. Job Creation, Workforce Standards & Protections: California must invest in creating new high-paying jobs for workers impacted by the transition to a clean energy economy.
  3. Transportation & Land Use: Transportation is the single largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in California. We need to change that. 
  4. Eliminating Toxins & Pollution: We must ensure that the communities most polluted and harmed by this crisis play a central role in addressing it.
  5. Sustainable Agriculture: With over 25% of California’s land dedicated to farming and ranching, we have to eliminate toxic pesticides and shift to regenerative and sustainable agricultural practices. 
  6. Natural Resources & Climate Resiliency: We need to redesign our cities to support biodiversity as well as repair and restore native ecosystems. 
  7. Strengthening Democracy: There’s a major problem when the majority of Californians support climate action but our legislators instead continue to cave to special interests.

We’re sifting through hundreds of new pieces of legislation to determine which meet the criteria we laid out in our Policy Roadmap. 

We need to be ready to build and organize regional power in communities to support these bills

Will you chip in $15 to help us organize for a greener and more resilient future through our comprehensive climate strategy?

We’re determined for this year to be different. California needs this year to be different. 

So we’re going to put everything we have into this legislative session to educate and organize for the comprehensive changes that are long overdue – and we need your help to make sure we succeed. 

The opportunity to create transformational change is here. All we need to do is act.


Elise Fandrich
Legislative Affairs Associate
California Environmental Voters Education Fund
(formerly CLCV Ed Fund)


California Environmental Voters Education Fund (formerly CLCV Ed Fund)
350 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza #1100 | Oakland, California 94612
+15102710900 | [email protected]

California Environmental Voters Education Fund (EnviroVoters Ed Fund), formerly California League of Conservation Voters Education Fund, exists to build power to solve the climate crisis, advance justice, and create a roadmap for global action. To protect our air, land, water, and future, we organize voters and educate lawmakers on bold policy change. Our vision is to solve the climate crisis, build resilient, connected, healthy communities, and create a democracy and economy that is just and sustainable for all.

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