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Dear Fellow Patriot,
I have played rugby since I was a kid and it has had an incredible impact on my life. I know from experience just how important sports are for the formation of America’s youth.
It is disgusting that young girls may not have the opportunity to enjoy sports because biological males are taking their spots.
America’s females are losing the chance to win tournaments or get playing time because the radical Left has successfully infiltrated our sports leagues with woke propaganda.
The entire sports world has gone woke and is suppressing freedom and few politicians or media companies are actively pushing back against this!

Biological males that dismember themselves and inject chemicals in their bodies do not deserve to compete against females. We need to protect America’s sports and make them FAIR again.
The Left always claims to “support science” but refuses to recognize that biological males and females are built differently!
If this radical trend is not stopped, the achievements of women athletes will be ignored and our youth will have one of the most important parts of their childhood stolen from them.
Chip in to my reelection campaign to ensure that Republican leaders like myself can continue fighting for you and your family’s future.
We need to put an end to the Left’s radical ideologies as they continue to tear apart our society.
They are trying to push me out of my congressional office because I am unafraid to fight back against their dangerous rhetoric.
I need to rely on you for support. Donate today to my campaign to join me in the fight against the woke LGBT propaganda wreaking havoc across our country!
Thank you in advance for your generosity.

For America,

Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS

Arizona’s 4th District
Politicians are scared to stand up and take a stand against the woke LGBT propaganda in our sports.

I am unafraid to fight back against this disgusting suppression of freedom. Women deserve to play competitive sports in a FAIR environment.

Support my reelection campaign so I can continue advocating for true Conservatism!


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