The lying attacks are only going to get worse…


With Tony Evers sitting on a $10.5 million war chest, we’re already having to fight tooth and nail to chip away at his cash on hand advantage.

But to make matters worse, the Democrats have signaled that toss-up races in key battleground states like our governor’s race have become their #1 target.

[Source: POLITICO]

Now more than ever, falling short at our FIRST end-of-quarter deadline of 2022 would be catastrophic – but as it stands, we’re still $22,890 behind.

Please make a contribution before the end-of-quarter deadline to help me crush our FIRST quarterly fundraising goal of the election year – and let’s FIRE Tony Evers.







John, it’s not just the DNC and DGA who are pouring millions of dollars into key battleground states like Wisconsin…

…Left-wing outside spending groups have also shifted their focus to gubernatorial elections in 2022.

In fact, liberal billionaire George Soros just launched a $125 MILLION Super PAC to prop up Democrats in critical statewide elections.

The Chair of the DGA even admitted to this strategy herself saying, “If you can rule locally, you can control a lot of the process federally…”

The stakes of our fight to fire Tony Evers and win this toss-up governor’s race have never been higher.

But as the Left’s new #1 target, I’m counting on grassroots conservatives like you to help me crush our Q1 goal.

So please, make a contribution before the end-of-quarter deadline to help me crush our FIRST quarterly fundraising goal of the election year – and let’s FIRE Tony Evers.

Thank you,

Rebecca Kleefisch

Rebecca Kleefisch
Former Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin
Republican Candidate for Governor

Paid for by People for Rebecca.

PO Box 628284, Middleton, WI 53562

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