Cease Fire PA Action


Friend -

The moment we are in is absolutely pivotal, and the only thing missing is your voice. 

We’re going to Harrisburg on April 26th to take a stand against gun violence, and we want you to come with us. Your voice matters in this movement, and these legislators need to hear directly from us and then get to work to pass meaningful reforms. Click here to RSVP right now, because we just learned that Governor Wolf will be a featured speaker at our rally in the PA State Capitol.

Our work matters, because with each passing day, as we continue to build power and momentum, people are dying, families are being destroyed, and ongoing trauma is perpetuating a cycle of future violence. We have to pass these reforms or this public health crisis will rage on, and so much more blood will be shed.

Here are just some of the bills languishing in committees because lawmakers think we aren’t paying attention to what they’re doing:

Just this past week, young advocates from March For Our Lives marked the fourth anniversary of their national movement by displaying thousands of body bags in front of the US Capitol. Each of these body bags represents one hundred dead from the failure of lawmakers to address our gun violence crisis. They know, like we do, that thoughts and prayers won’t end this crisis. We will.

Use your voice. Make it count. Stand shoulder to shoulder with young people who have had enough of the political inaction that has cost the lives of their classmates.

RSVP right now, and forward this email to a friend.

Adam Garber





P.O. Box 60095  | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
215-923-3151 | [email protected]

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