Those valleys on your nails are telling you something
If you’re experiencing nail changes that worry you, it may be time to see a doctor.

How prolonged stress affects your thyroid functions
How prolonged stress affects your thyroid functions
Experiencing stress is a part of everyday life, but continued stress over an extended period can have harmful effects on the entire body.
Supporting teen suicide survivors
Supporting teen suicide survivors
Learn more about how to best support your loved ones.
Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period ends March 31. Here’s what you need to know.
Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period ends March 31. Here’s what you need to know.
Why Medicare Advantage enrollees should take note of this important period.
Classic sesame noodles with chicken
Classic sesame noodles with chicken
Classic sesame noodles become a healthy meal with lean chicken and tons of veggies in this quick recipe for Asian noodles.

Did You Know?
Know where to go
The emergency department is where you should go if someone has chest pain, difficulty breathing, broken bones, and other serious conditions.
Immediate care is best for cuts and scrapes, rashes, sprains and minor burns, and virtual visits are great for allergies, cold or flu symptoms, and sore throats.
If you’re not in a rush, contact your primary care doctor for a virtual or in-person visit.

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Tuesday Tidbit
"For any of you out there who do in fact feel hopeless or alone, I just want you to know that you're unconditionally loved for the uniqueness that is you."
-Jessica Chastain