Remember the Obama-era mantra of "Never let a crisis go to waste?"
You and I both know why gas prices are the highest in history - and it has nothing to do with Vladimir Putin.
Instead, it has everything to do with Joe Biden and the Left's fixation on their destructive "Green New Deal."
The fact is, we could have lower gas prices and energy independence tomorrow if our so-called leaders decided to flip the switch.
But they'd rather cut deals to line the pockets of dictators in Iran and Venezuela and tell you to go buy a $50,000 electric car, rather than sacrifice their precious "green" agenda.
That is, unless you and I force them to change their tune.
That's why if you value your family's future and everything you worked hard to earn, along with our national security, I hope you'll take immediate action today.
Won't you please fill out your petition to DEMAND AMERICAN ENERGY NOW to your members of Congress? As you'll see, these petitions insist your members of Congress do everything in their power to UNDO all of the disastrous energy policies of the Biden administration before they drive you broke and destroy the American economy.
Because the truth is, this crisis was all by design.
As I'm sure you remember, it wasn't even two years ago when gas was cheap, and America was energy independent.
Never mind it was Joe Biden who canceled the Keystone XL pipeline on his very first day in office, but then gave his blessing for Putin's Nord Stream 2 pipeline to move forward...
Never mind it is Joe Biden who is shutting down the sale of new drilling leases across America - even in the midst of the worst energy crisis since Jimmy Carter!
To the radical leftists who are hellbent on making you buy a Tesla, facts don't matter.
After all, they've got an agenda to push.
That's why they'd rather seek oil from a brutal communist dictator in Venezuela. Or from the mullahs in Iran who chant "Death to America" while they build nuclear weapons and lob missiles at U.S. interests abroad.
Because in the words of Illinois U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D), "doing business with the devil for a few days" is better than the "oil industry...not using this crisis to raise their profits."
You see, these politicians don't care about you and your family's wellbeing - they simply want to kill the American oil and gas industry under the guise of combatting "climate change."
They want you to feel helpless and powerless. They want you to feel like there's no other way.
And they think you're dumb enough to believe it's not their fault for $5 gas.
But you're not powerless. Far from it. If you and I can crank up the heat, I'm convinced they'll see the light.
Look, I'm fully aware getting Joe Biden and the radical Left to change their course won't be easy.
But I do know this - if there is one thing politicians of all stripes fear more than anything else, it's the loss of their political careers.
If you and I can start making them fear for their jobs, they might just start caring about yours.
In fact, this isn't the first tough fight we've won with patriots like you on our side...
You may remember the last time the radical Left tried to distract us with a war while they kowtowed to our enemies.
It was in 2015, when Barack Obama was sending planes full of cash to Iran.
When we found out, Secure America Now called in a full-court press from coast-to-coast, collecting petitions, showing up to townhall meetings, and making hundreds of thousands of phone calls telling our senators to oppose the Iran Nuclear Deal.
Famously, both Senators Joe Manchin and Chuck Schumer (yes, even Chuck!) opposed the Iran Deal...
And it was all made possible by the 4 million members and supporters of Secure America Now!
That's why it's up to you and me to launch an all-out grassroots push NOW to undo all of the destructive energy policies of the Biden administration and stop these outrageous gas prices.
With your help, Secure America Now has a full-scale plan to make it happen and flip the switch on America's energy potential...
But I need to know if you're with me by signing your petition to DEMAND AMERICAN ENERGY NOW.
As you'll see, these petitions don't mince words. They have one loud-and-clear message to politicians of all parties:
Remember, there's only one thing that matters in an election year and that's votes.
That's why politics is a numbers game.
So, it's up to you and me to show we can generate the kind of numbers that prove we aren't bluffing...
Because if we don't fight back NOW, there's no telling exactly how much WORSE this crisis will get or the pain you and your family will feel in your wallet.
Or how much we'll strengthen our enemies by cutting deals with those who sponsor terror attacks aimed at killing Americans (and ally themselves with Russia).
So please, will you sign your petition to DEMAND AMERICAN ENERGY NOW to your members of Congress? If you and I don't make a stand right here and now, our economy will be destroyed and our enemies will be emboldened - all for the sake of the Left's "Green New Deal."
By adding your name to this petition today, you can make a critical difference in making sure that doesn't happen.
So please act right away.
Sincerely, |
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