We’re not going to let them get away with
it. Joe Biden and the Democrats want to blame gas and energy costs on
Vladimir Putin. But we know that it was Biden and the
Democrats that declared war on American energy production. Their
policies are directly responsible for the skyrocketing fuel
Last week, we rolled out this ad
in Georgia highlighting what Biden did to the price of gas and how
Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock helped him do it.
As I said in this
story about our ad, we were energy independent and
gas prices were in the $2-per-gallon range until Joe Biden, Raphael
Warnock and other Democrats took control of Washington. Their
deliberate, ideological steps stifled the production of American
energy. Because of their policies we are now begging for oil from
hostile countries. It’s pathetic and it is a mess of their own
If you agree with me and you like our ad,
help us put this in more places and more states. Please consider a
donation of any amount that you can commit to this fight.
We can’t let the Democrats get
away with blaming Russia for our gas prices. Help me get the
word out to voters across the country so that we can make sure
everyone knows where the blame truly lies.
Thanks for your patriotism and support.
Together we can restore America to greatness.
Yours in the fight,
Doug Truax
CEO and Founder
Restoration PAC
