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Tuesday, March 29th, 2022

Biden’s Disastrous European Tour

By Ron Paul, MD

Deeply Compromised Biden Is Driving the West Toward a Nuclear War With Russia

Vasko Kohlmayer

#GotGoldorRubles? Russia Just Broke the Back of the West

Tom Luongo

The Illusion of Evidence-Based Medicine

Robert W Malone MD, MS

What Is To Be Done?

James Howard Kunstler

Is the Draft Being Reinstated in the US? Here’s a Tweet That Suggests It Is

Jeff Thompson

Biden Confirms Why the US Needed This War

Joe Lauria

John Mearsheimer, Ukraine, and the Global Deep State

Boyd D. Cathey

When the Angelic Doctor Was More Eastern Than Western

Bionic Mosquito

We Know Not What We Do

Alex Berenson

Fourth Turning 2022 – Bad Moon Rising

Jim Quinn

How the Pandemic Was Fabricated

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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