From PCCC (Bold Progressives) <[email protected]>
Subject Putin’s invasion of Ukraine demands a rapid shift to clean energy
Date March 29, 2022 1:57 AM
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WASHINGTON POST: Putin’s war and high gas prices hand Democrats an opening
on climate.

[ [link removed] ]Sign on here to urge Dem leaders to go on offense with a message that
America must lead the world in a clean energy transition.

[ [link removed] ]Washington Post headline: Putin’s war and high gas prices hand
Democrats an opening on climate

The Washington Post reports on the [ [link removed] ]campaign we're leading with nearly
100 climate, veteran, foreign policy, and progressive organizations:

"A coalition of progressive groups is launching a new campaign urging
Democratic leaders to appreciate that Vladimir Putin’s war, high gas
prices, and soaring oil company profits create a unique and actionable
political moment for a new push to reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

"There might never have been a better time to convince Americans that a
future where no one even worries about the price of gas -- or the effect
it has on the climate -- is absolutely possible.

"The constellation of groups involved -- which include the Progressive
Change Campaign Committee, Indivisible, Sierra Club, Win Without War, and
many others -- suggests such a message could mobilize a broad left-leaning

[ [link removed] ]SIGN ON: Can you add your name calling on President Biden and
Democratic leaders to go on offense and unite behind our clear message --
along with 100 organizations and thousands of other Americans who've
already signed?

Signatures will be delivered to the White House and Congress to show
widespread support for this clear, concise, popular message. We were proud
to organize this campaign in collaboration with Evergreen Action, Common
Defense, Win Without War, Indivisible, Sierra Club, and the League of
Conservation Voters -- and nearly 100 endorsing organizations!

The Washington Post quotes PCCC co-founder Stephanie Taylor saying, “This
is an opportunity to take aim at price-gouging oil companies and reframe
clean energy as a national security issue heading into the midterms.”

With the world’s reliance on fossil fuels empowering Putin and Big Oil
gouging consumers, we're urging Democratic leaders to stop playing defense
with muddled messages on gas prices and go on offense with this clear

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine reaffirms that America must lead the world
in a clean energy transition.

Our dependence on fossil fuel empowers authoritarians like Vladimir
Putin, rogue oil-producing nations, and price-gouging oil companies. For
the sake of our national security and planet, we call on America’s
leaders to take immediate action to invest in domestic clean energy jobs
and end our dependence on fossil fuel.

Check out some of the folks who are with us:


[ [link removed] ]Turn on images to see PCCC's [ [link removed] ]Turn on images to see Congressman
tweet. Mike Levin's tweet.

[ [link removed] ]Turn on images to see the League [ [link removed] ]Turn on images to see Green
of Conservation Voters' tweet. Latinos' tweet.

[ [link removed] ]Turn on images to see Win Without [ [link removed] ]Turn on images to see Common
War's tweet. Defense's tweet.

[ [link removed] ]Turn on images to see Young [ [link removed] ][IMG]
Americans' tweet.

[ [link removed] ]Add your name today -- along with 100 organizations and thousands of
other Americans. Sign here.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The Progressive Change Campaign Committee ([ [link removed] ]@BoldProgressive)




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