There are no good days in prison for a person who is on death row for a crime they didn’t commit. But Thanksgiving — a day we spend thinking about the things and people we’re grateful for — can be particularly difficult.
As Rodney Reed’s attorney for the last 18 years, I’ve seen up close the psychological toll his imprisonment has taken on him and his family. Rodney’s been wrongfully incarcerated for decades, and he and his family have been fighting every day for justice. So we want to show them that this community is supporting them and fighting alongside them.
This year, we’re sending well wishes and thoughts to Rodney Reed, our client who was granted a last-minute stay of execution earlier this month, but will still be spending Thanksgiving on death row in Texas. Click here to send a holiday message of support to Rodney.
We’re working to win our case on behalf of Rodney, get him out of prison faster, and to change the system that allows wrongful convictions to happen in the first place. But in the meantime, I want Rodney and his family to know they’re not alone this holiday season.
Started in 1992 as a legal clinic at Cardozo School of Law, the Innocence Project is now an independent nonprofit, affiliated with Cardozo, that exonerates the wrongly convicted through DNA testing and reforms the criminal justice system to prevent future injustice.