Hi John,

Michelle here again – Christy's political director coming to you right off the campaign trail!

I'm going to make this quick because we're pretty busy here at Team Christy knocking on doors and talking to voters about how high the stakes are in this election.

But, I wanted to reach out directly because we've got a lot of ground to cover getting Christy's message out, and our fundraising numbers have fallen behind this past month and I'm worried.

Can you rush a $5 or more donation right now, so we can make sure we hit $25,000 – our most ambitious goal of the campaign? I can tell you firsthand, there is a ton of enthusiasm for Christy's message. We're hearing from voters who are sick and tired of Mike Garcia's far-right ties and refusal to support the working people of this district.

But there are A TON of voters to talk to, and Christy's dead set on making sure she can talk to everybody.

We ushered in the 2018 Blue Wave because people like you were fired up to get involved, donate money, and organize to fight for a better future.

You came through in 2018, in 2020, and we need you to come through again in 2022. We must keep our majority in the House and the path to a 2022 Blue Wave is right through CA-27.

Chip in $5 or more right now so we can hit our $25,000 goal, get out the vote, and flip this district red to blue once and for all. >>>

Let's get out there and win this thing,

Michelle Kampbell

PS. Here's just a glimpse of what we're up to:
Photo of Christy Smith supporters and volunteers