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Dear friends, As students head into spring break, we’re continuing our work to make schools safer. Our allies play a huge role in this movement, and we’d like to spotlight Representative Chris Latvala who gave his farewell speech this month in which he discussed his work with us. Thank you for your service to our state and your important role in this work, Representative Latvala! We are thrilled that the Florida House and Senate voted unanimously to pass HB/SB 1421, which we were proud to advocate for! Now on its way to the governor’s desk, this bill updates the school safety law originally passed after the tragic 2018 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. This comprehensive package will enhance the mental health and safety of students and families, including requiring school resource officers to complete mental health intervention training. It also mandates that the Department of Education publish school safety data, ensuring that school safety advocates have a robust toolkit in order to improve the safety of the community. Stand with Parkland was proud to advocate for the passage of the School Safety Act. From left to right: Stand with Parkland President Tony Montalto, Representative Christine Hunschofsky, Representative Chris Latvala, Representative Fred Hawkins, and Stand with Parkland Board Member Ryan Petty. We’re also excited to let you know that the Mental Health of Students bill (CS/HB 899) also passed the Florida House and Senate! The piece of legislation will increase the mental health resources available to students, which is especially timely given the growing number of American students struggling with mental health issues. These two victories – along with all of our previous legislative accomplishments – would not have been possible without your ongoing support. Help us continue this work by sending in a donation today. During his State of the Union address, we were heartened to see President Biden’s discussion of two core tenets of our work: reducing firearm violence and addressing the mental health crisis in our nation. President Biden reiterated his commitment to crack down on firearm trafficking and to pass proven measures to reduce firearm violence. We all want our school communities to be safer, and a huge part of that means being able to rest assured that those who choose to own firearms will be responsible firearm owners. On the issue of mental health, President Biden said: “...let’s take on mental health, especially among our children, whose lives and education have been turned upside down…let’s get all Americans the mental health services they need: more people they can turn to for help, and full parity between physical and mental health care.” As always, Stand with Parkland is proud to be a nonpartisan organization, and we will work with anyone towards the shared goal of keeping all our nation’s students safe. We hope to see the Biden administration follow through on these commitments so that our schools can be places of learning and growth, not fear and violence. Last month, Florida State Representative Christine Hunschofsky introduced a resolution recognizing the 17 victims of the Parkland massacre on the House floor. We must never forget those we lost and work every day to honor their memories. Stand with Parkland Board member Ryan Petty was in the gallery of the Florida House as this resolution was introduced. Get your spring wardrobe ready and support our work by purchasing our apparel online! All proceeds go directly to supporting our school safety mission. Thank you, – Stand With Parkland