Thank you, .

As we approach the first FEC deadline of 2022 later this week, I want to take a second to look back at how far we’ve come over the past year since flipping the Senate:

We passed the American Rescue Plan, transforming our response to the pandemic, ramping up vaccine distribution, putting money in families’ pockets, and sending critical resources and relief to health care providers and small businesses.

We passed the infrastructure bill to rebuild and upgrade our roads, bridges, transit, electric vehicle charging stations, and power grid. And we’re going to create millions of jobs while getting it all done.

And this month, we passed a major spending package with historic investments for Hawaii and states across the country. We reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act to provide resources for survivors of domestic abuse. We passed postal reforms to shore up the USPS and ensure reliable mail service.

We’ve made real and meaningful progress in just over one year, and you can see our efforts paying off in historic job growth and a strengthening economy. 

Now, we need to keep moving forward. We need to keep working to create jobs, lower costs for families, address the climate crisis, and make health care more affordable.

And we can’t do it without the support of people like you. Please consider chipping in to our campaign before the FEC deadline on Thursday.

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