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From the reporting of The Philadelphia Tribune:Throughout 2021, Philadelphia officials touted the funding given to gun violence prevention organizations. Holston said that although the $20 million was a fifth of the amount the Black clergy group requested, it was a substantial upgrade to the $1 million allocated in years past. However, the group says of the money awarded, only 20% was received by organizations.”

You can track the state of gun violence in Philadelphia, from neighborhood to neighborhood, at this link. Ongoing gun violence trends in Philadelphia and across the Commonwealth indicate that we’ll surpass the death toll of 2021 in 2022 without governmental action.


The Path to Passing Ethan’s Law

In Congress, a critical safe gun storage law is just three co-sponsors away from passage in the House of Representatives. This effort, which has been led by the parents of Ethan Song and Newtown Action Alliance, seeks justice for Ethan, who tragically died in an unintentional shooting. His story has led to countless laws being passed in state legislatures across the country. Now, with their advocacy and our support, we might be able to pass this law at the federal level. We’re asking Representative Brian Fitzpatrick to join a bipartisan group of colleagues in co-sponsoring this common sense legislation that would save so many lives, including the lives of innocent kids.


Join us in Harrisburg to let your voice be heard.

We’re at a pivotal moment in the movement to save lives from gun violence. New, fairer maps, plus a slew of political retirements mean that every lawmaker has to work hard to be re-elected and listen to their own constituents. Legislators will be spending the next few months campaigning and asking for the votes of their constituents, and now is our moment to remind them that we are gun violence prevention voters.

Join us for a day of advocacy on April 26th, and share with your lawmaker why you support gun violence prevention legislation.

Mark your calendar and RSVP! 

Note: we have a number of buses being chartered to transport folks to the PA State Capitol, and you're also welcome to arrange your own transportation!

Tuesday, April 26, 2022 8:00 AM -  3:00 PM ET

  • 9 AM: Arrive in Harrisburg
  • 9:30 AM - 11 AM: Meetings with your legislators
  • 11 AM - 12 PM: Rally on the Front Steps
  • 12 PM - 3 PM: Legislative meetings, Lunch, and Take a Stand activities
  • 3 PM Leave Harrisburg

Pennsylvania's legislative maps are fair and final

Pennsylvania finalized new legislative maps, and these boundaries will require lawmakers to be more responsive to the needs and desires of their constituents.

We want to make sure you’re informed about this as we move forward. 

First, click here to review your legislative districts, as they might have changed! 

Second, check out this great resource from Penn Capital-Star that reviews which lawmakers have opted not to run for re-election, as well as where legislators are facing off in their next election.

Map courtesy of the Philadelphia Inquirer


Mark your calendar. The 2022 Primary Election will be on Tuesday, May 17, 2022, and the 2022 General Election will be on Tuesday, November 8, 2022.

Finally, if you haven’t already, add your name to our Common Agenda to End Gun Violence. The more political power we have as a movement, the closer we get to passing these laws and saving lives.


Check out this clip from The Problem with Jon Stewart. Two survivors of gun violence discuss the struggles they've gone through to try to get gun laws passed in their home states.


Hearings began this week for President Biden's Supreme Court Nominee, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. If/when confirmed, Judge Brown Jackson would not only be the first Black woman to rise to the highest court in the United States, she'd also be arguably the most qualified justice to take the highest bench in modern history. Her professional experience, including as a commissioner on the US Sentencing Commission and as a public defender, would continue to help inform her perspectives of the law and how they impact people in our communities.

On the SCOTUS docket in the next few months will be a significant case on the issue of gun ownership. Click here to read a thorough guide about the case from Brady, a national gun violence prevention advocacy organization.

We'll continue to keep you updated on legal developments in this case as well as the status of this nomination.



Extreme Risk Protection Orders:

  • would create a process for family members or law enforcement to petition the courts for a civil (non-criminal) order to temporarily suspend a person’s access to firearms including removing any existing firearms for up to one year.

  • are a policy that has been shown to save a life for every 10 to 20 successful order secured, based on states where this law has been enacted


Join us for a celebration of the movement we’ve built and the accomplishments to come.

You’ll get to be one of the first people to enjoy Lilah, a new restaurant venue of the James Beard Award-winning owners of Zahav. 

You’ll also get to celebrate Senator Vincent Hughes and Nancy Gordon, two advocates who are helping us push forward deep investments and policy reforms to save lives in our communities.

Purchase your ticket or become a sponsor here.


Thank you for being an advocate for gun violence prevention. We are working tirelessly with survivors and advocates to make reforms that are going to save lives, and this newsletter is just one of our efforts. If you have a friend who would love to get involved with our work, forward them this newsletter. They can easily subscribe by clicking here or clicking the top banner of this email!

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P.O. Box 60095  | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
215-923-3151 | [email protected]

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