Freedom House invites you to the following virtual event:
Nations in Transit 2022
Thursday, April 21, 2022
10:00 - 11:00 a.m. ET
Via Zoom

From Central Europe to Central Asia, democracy is in danger – from within and without. As the Kremlin continues its brutal war of aggression against Ukraine, the 2022 edition of the Nations in Transit report finds a continued, concerning decline of democratic norms and practices across this important region.
Following a short presentation of the report's findings, join us for a conversation about democracy in contemporary Europe and Eurasia on Thursday, April 21 at 10 a.m. ET.
Since 1995, Nations in Transit has evaluated the state of democracy in the 29-country region stretching from Central Europe to Central Asia. The report consists of narrative country profiles and numerical ratings assigned to seven categories that represent the institutional underpinnings of liberal democracy in each country.
Register now for this event to hear the key findings of Nations in Transit 2022 and see Freedom House’s full analysis online at on April
Michael Abramowitz, President
Freedom House
Presentation of Findings From Report Editors:
Mike Smeltzer, Senior Research Analyst
Freedom House
Noah Buyon, Research Analyst
Freedom House
Discussion Panel With Invited Experts