I wanted to be sure you had one last opportunity…

John – as we prepare to close the books on the very FIRST quarter of this historic election year, I simply had to reach out one final time about our vital membership program.

We only need 49 more of our grassroots supporters to step up and accept their official 2022 membership before quarter’s end to ensure we’re on track to counter Tony Evers’ $10.5 MILLION in cash on hand.

When we win this toss-up governor’s race, there’s no question I’ll know exactly who to thank for our victory: my 2022 Members who fought by my side every step of the way.

So please, make a contribution before we close the books on the first quarter to accept your official 2022 Election Year Membership with my campaign to FIRE radical liberal Tony Evers and take back the battleground state of Wisconsin.

2022 Election Year Membership

Supporter: John

Status: [Pending]


Thank you,

Rebecca Kleefisch
Former Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin
Republican Candidate for Governor

- - - - Forwarded Message - - - -

From: Rebecca, me (2)
Date: Fri, Jan 21, 2022
Subject: FW: John’s Membership: [Pending]
To: [email protected]

John – we only need 153 more of our grassroots supporters to step up and accept their official 2022 Membership to reach our goal.

But my team just combed through our records, and I noticed you hadn’t yet accepted your new membership for the election year.

With Tony Evers sitting on a mountain of cash to kick off 2022, failing to hit our benchmark for our membership program would be devastating.

So please, consider a contribution to accept your official 2022 Election Year Membership with my campaign for governor to FIRE radical liberal Tony Evers and take back the battleground state of Wisconsin.

2022 Election Year Membership

Supporter: John

Status: [Pending]


Thank you,

Rebecca Kleefisch
Former Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin
Republican Candidate for Governor

- - - - Forwarded Message - - - -

From: Rebecca Kleefisch
Date: Thu, Jan 20, 2022
Subject: re: Fox & RE: John’s Membership: [Pending]
To: [email protected]


After such a strong start to our campaign in 2021, thanks to grassroots conservatives like YOU, I was hoping to postpone our official 2022 Membership program until next month.

But with Tony Evers already reporting over $10.5 MILLION in cash on hand to attack us, we can’t waste another minute to marshal the resources we need to fight back.

Please make a contribution to accept your official 2022 Election Year Membership with my campaign for governor to FIRE radical liberal Tony Evers and take back the battleground state of Wisconsin.

2022 Election Year Membership

Supporter: John

Status: [Pending]


When I’m sworn in as your next governor, you can rest assured I’ll know exactly who to thank for our victory…

…My 2022 Members who stood by my side all year long.

This will no doubt be a race that comes down to the wire, John – and we can’t afford to give Evers the upper hand this early with his cash on hand advantage.

Which is why I’m kicking off our official 2022 Membership program starting TODAY.

But our membership program will only be as strong as the patriots who take part.

So please, make a contribution to accept your official 2022 Election Year Membership with my campaign for governor to FIRE radical liberal Tony Evers and take back the battleground state of Wisconsin.

Thank you,

Rebecca Kleefisch
Former Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin
Republican Candidate for Governor


Paid for by People for Rebecca.

PO Box 628284, Middleton, WI 53562

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