
I just heard back from the finance team, and we are $7,000 short of meeting our end-of-quarter goal on Thursday!

America is suffering, and the only thing standing between us and the solution we need is November’s elections. The Democrats have used their majority to wreck working Americans and project tyranny onto our country.

I need your help to hit every single one of our goals until November so we can save our great nation!
The Democrats' enabling of Biden’s agenda has been disastrous for American families, leading to more crises and less freedom. Democrats know the difficult circumstances our families are facing, but they believe so deeply in this transformation of America, they are willing to keep causing us pain. To make this stop, I will KEEP FIGHTING FOR US! But, I need you with me. 

It’s crucial I make up an additional $7,000 this week, so I can increase my efforts and ensure Republicans take back the House in nearly seven months.
While Biden and the Democrats continue to put our nation and people last - will you pitch in and help me hit my goal so we can deliver victory for America First priorities in November?

Thank you for your help, 
Beth Van Duyne