Dear Friend,

The ongoing crisis in Ukraine is deeply shocking and upsetting. As the Russian invasion continues, our thoughts are with the people of Ukraine, and with those courageously protesting against war, particularly in Russia.

The conflict also presents a much wider threat: the existential threat of a nuclear war between the United States and Russia.
You will have probably seen more stories about the threat of nuclear war in the last month than in the last ten years, and with good reason. This is a new and uniquely dangerous situation, because never before has the world been at such risk of nuclear war.

Now more than ever, a strong anti-nuclear movement is needed. As serious as the situation in Ukraine is, it will become infinitely worse if nuclear weapons are used.
Despite the claims of politicians, there is no way to be prepared for a nuclear attack. You have to stop it happening. The only certain way to prevent the use of nuclear weapons is to abolish them for good.
CND campaigns to see an end to all nuclear weapons. And at this time, our work could not be more urgent. Become a member of CND and add your voice to ours: the greater our numbers, the louder our voice. Join us, and help win a world free from the threat of nuclear war.
Join CND
In peace,
Kate Hudson
General Secretary
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