This email is a little bit longer than the one I sent over the weekend, but it’s important that you read it. Let me tell you why…

The financial deadline we face this Thursday is the most important one we’ve encountered all year. It isn’t just another end-of-month fundraising push. And it doesn’t just come at a moment when weakness from Democrat politicians is making the world more dangerous…
…This is also the close of the very first quarter of the election year, . That means these numbers are going to get filed with the Federal Election Commission, and if the reports show that Democrats are ahead of us, that’s not going to bode well for our chances.

Ultimately, it boils down to this: when I was serving in Afghanistan, I fought with every fiber of my being every second of every day. If just one person on our team didn’t do that, the results were often deadly.

We need to fight with that urgency this week–more than we have all year. Doing anything less is potentially surrendering our future to incompetent, America Last politicians like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi.
Thank you in advance for your urgent support.
In service,
SSG Brian Mast, U.S. Army (ret.)