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Subject What to Watch This Week | Commemorating 200 Years of U.S.-Liberia Ties: Moving Forward Together
Date March 28, 2022 2:10 PM
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The Changing Landscape of Gulf Cooperation Council Security [[link removed]]
Wednesday, March 23 // 10–11:00 a.m. (ET)
The security landscape of the Arab states of the Gulf has myriad implications for the broader Middle East and North Africa region, particularly given the ongoing conflict in Yemen and the recent escalation, stalled talks with Iran over the nuclear program, the ongoing crises in Lebanon, and over the horizon in Ukraine.
This timely discussion will assess the changing geopolitical map and the Biden administration’s posture towards the Arab states of the Gulf.
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Still to Come this Week
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Looking for the Good War [[link removed]]Monday, March 21 // 4–5:30 p.m. (ET)
Looking for the Good War explores the ambivalence toward war, violence, and veterans expressed in response to World War II but later suppressed by a sentimental mythology about the nation’s role in the conflict. As the U.S. assesses its most recent wars, Samet offers a timely reexamination of the way World War II myths continue to shape Americans’ sense of national destiny and illusions about American military force.
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Ukrainian, Belarusian, and Russian Women in the Anti-War Movement [[link removed]]Wednesday, March 23 // 1–2:30 p.m. (ET)
This panel will consider how women from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus will be able to unite in the struggle for peace, what resources are lacking, what the press hasn’t shown, and what help is demanded by the women’s anti-war movement.
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Reading Canada: Canada in NATO, 1949-2019 [[link removed]]Thursday, March 24 // 2–3:00 p.m. (ET)
Join us for a moderated discussion with Dr. Joel Sokolsky and Dr. Joseph T. Jockel, co-authors of Canada in NATO: 1949-2019 . The 2021 publication explores Canada's historical contributions to NATO and the likewise impact that the alliance has had on Canadian defense and foreign policy.
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