From Dick Durbin <>
Subject My thoughts on this week’s Supreme Court nomination hearing
Date March 28, 2022 1:02 AM
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There were moments when I expected Judge Jackson to stand up and walk out of her Supreme Court nomination hearing.

Four Republican Senators attacked her in ways that were unfair, unrelenting, and beneath the dignity of the Senate.

As Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I gaveled for order and shut down the worst Republican offender.

But Judge Jackson – with her grace, dignity, and courage – showed America that President Biden made the right choice. She should be our next Supreme Court Justice.

She would not back down to the Republican attacks. She was standing up for what is right – she was standing up for us.

John, will you make sure Democrats continue to lead Supreme Court confirmations? Contribute $5 now to reelect our Democratic Senate majority. [link removed]

I will be fighting for Judge Jackson because you fought for a Senate that can send quality jurists like her to the highest court in the land .

Let’s make history together.

My best,

Dick Durbin

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