Weekly Round Up
Quincy in the News

March 27, 2022

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Quincy Brief No. 22
The Yemen War in Numbers: Saudi Escalation and U.S. Complicity
By Annelle Sheline, Research Fellow
Quincy Institute, 3/21/22

American involvement in the Saudi-led war in Yemen is prolonging and escalating the violence—not helping to resolve the conflict as the Biden administration claims.


Quincy Brief No. 23
Avoiding the Dangers of a Protracted Conflict in Ukraine
By Anatol Lieven, Sarang Shidore, & Marcus Stanley
Quincy Institute, 3/25/22

The United States should do its utmost to prevent a protracted conflict in Ukraine, as well as to promote an early settlement on terms that will safeguard Ukrainian sovereignty, independence, and peace.



Diplomacy and the Ukraine Crisis

Wednesday March 29, 1:00-2:00 PM Eastern
Discussion featuring Gabrielle Rifkind, Ambassador Tom Pickering, & Samuel Charap; moderated by Anatol Lieven


MLK 55 Years Later—Can the Church Study War No More?

Saturday, April 2, 4:00-6:00 PM Eastern
Featuring Bernice King, Andrew Bacevich, & Pastor Michael McBride
Riverside Church, New York City (& live streamed)



Biden Should Punish Saudi Arabia for Backing Russia
By Annelle Sheline, Research Fellow, & Khalid Al-Jabri
Foreign Policy, 3/22/22

Riyadh could make a difference in oil markets but has chosen to side with Russia, not the United States.


U.S. Should Use Its Leverage to End the War in Yemen
By Senior Research Fellow William Hartung & Research Fellow Annelle Sheline
Stars and Stripes, 3/24/22

The United States has done more to enable the conflict in Yemen than it has to end it.


19 Years After the Invasion: A Reflection on the U.S. Military Presence in Iraq
Featuring Naveed Shah, Joanna Sweatt, Dan Caldwell, Brandi Jones, & Dina Al Bayati, moderated by Adam Weinstein
Quincy Institute, 3/23/22

Nineteen years later, we reflect on America’s invasion of Iraq and hear from those directed affected by this conflict: veterans, military families, and Iraqi civilians.


Let’s Curb the Loose Talk of Using Low-Yield Nuclear Weapons
By Joe Cirincione, Distinguished Non-Resident Fellow
Responsible Statecraft, 3/23/22

There’s no such thing as a limited atomic war but some are raising the issue as the conflict in Ukraine grinds on.


The Yemen War in Numbers: Saudi Escalation and U.S. Complicity
Discussion featuring Jeremy Scahill, Aisha Jumaan, Justin Logan, and Annelle Sheline; moderated by Trita Parsi
Quincy Institute, 3/24/22

Highlighting the U.S. role in supporting the war on Yemen and discussing parallels between Putin’s military assault on Ukraine and Mohammed bin Salman’s seven-year effort to destroy Yemen. 


America Didn’t Take a ‘Holiday from History.’ Unfortunately
By Andrew Bacevich, President
Los Angeles Times, 3/25/22

Over the last 30 years, America has seized history by the collar, demanding its compliance with dictates issued from Washington. But time and again history has refused to oblige.



TELEVISION: Start of a New Cold War? U.S. Hawks “Want to Jack up the Military Budget and Use Ukraine as an Excuse”, Interview with Senior Research Fellow William Hartung, Democracy Now!, 3/25/22
TELEVISION: Yemen's Complicated Conflict, Interview with Research Fellow Annelle Sheline, The Newsmakers/TRT World, 3/25/22

Saudi Bombs Drop on Yemen, DC Lobbyists Whitewash the Damage by Intern Researchers Hayden Schmidt, Taylor Giorno, & Nick Cleveland-Stout, Responsible Statecraft, 3/25/22
PODCAST: Yemen, Our Other War, Interview with Research Fellow Annelle Sheline, The Zero Hour, 3/25/22
What Niebuhr Would Say About the U.S. Reaction to Ukraine by Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven, Responsible Statecraft, 3/25/22
PODCAST: Is the War in Ukraine Unwinnable?, Interview with President Andrew Bacevich, Today Explained/Vox, 3/25/22

TELEVISION: Don’t Turn Ukraine into Another Afghanistan, Interview with Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven, Democracy Now! 3/24/22
Mohammed bin Salman Has Leverage on Biden — and Is Using It by Anchal Vohra/ Quoted: Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, Foreign Policy, 3/24/22

TELEVISION: North Korea Heightens Nuclear Tensions, Interview with Distinguished Non-Resident Fellow Joe Cirincione, Newsy, 3/24/22
TELEVISION: Russia Invasion of Ukraine at the One-Month Mark, Interview with Distinguished Non-Resident Fellow Joe Cirincione, Fox 5, 3/24/22

Ukraine Steps Up U.S. Lobbying Campaign by Julie Bycowicz and Vivian Salama/ Cited: Research Fellow Ben Freeman, Wall Street Journal, 3/23/22
On Ukraine, U.S. Would Be Smart Not to Push Russia Off the Thin Red Line by East Asia Director Michael Swaine, Responsible Statecraft, 3/23/22
Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Don’t Belong on the Foreign Terror List by Non-Resident Fellow Paul Pillar, Responsible Statecraft, 3/23/22
TELEVISION: Saving Ukraine Vs. Saving Ukrainians, Interview with Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven, The Mehdi Hasan Show/Peacock TV, 3/23/22
Washington Should Think Twice Before Launching a New Cold War by Senior Research Fellow William Hartung & Intern Researchers Nick Cleveland-Stout & Taylor Giorno, TomDispatch, 3/22/22
WSJ Op-ed Pushing Greater U.S. Middle East Role Omits Author’s Gulf Funding by Managing Editor Ben Armbruster, Responsible Statecraft, 3/22/22
TELEVISION: Ukraine Controls Key Cities, Creating a Stalemate with Russia, Interview with Distinguished Non-Resident Fellow Joe Cirincione, NBC News Now, 3/22/22
PODCAST: Making a Killing: Corporate Arms Makers and Ukraine, Interview with Senior Research Fellow William Hartung, Green and Red Podcast, 3/22/22
RADIO: The Future of the Middle East, Interview with Research Fellow Annelle Sheline, The Sean Hannity Show, 3/22/22

Numbers Don’t Lie: More Saudi Attacks on Yemen Came After New U.S. Support by Research Fellow Annelle Sheline, Responsible Statecraft, 3/21/22
An Economy in Crisis: Q&A With Afghanistan’s Former Finance Minister by Research Fellow Adam Weinstein, Responsible Statecraft, 3/21/22

RADIO: To End the War U.S. Should Support Ukraine-Russia Peace Talks
Interview with Advocacy Director Marcus Stanley, WPKN Radio, 3/21/22

RADIO: Meet the Former CA-Based Politicians Who Lobby for Dictators, Interview with Ben Freeman, Research Fellow, KCRW, 3/21/22
Riyadh Gets U.S. Military Help as Washington Seeks Better Ties by Aziz El Yaakoubi/ Quoted: Research Fellow Annelle Sheline, Reuters, 3/21/22
Hand European Security Over to the Europeans by Non-Resident Fellow Stephen Walt, Foreign Policy, 3/21/22
How Dual Nationals Became Pawns in Iran’s Fight with the West by Nadeen Ebrahim/ Quoted: Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, CNN, 3/21/22
U.S.-Saudi Tensions Complicate Push for More Oil by Laura Kelly & Rachel Frazin/ Quoted: Senior Research Fellow William Hartung, The Hill, 3/20/22


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