They're experts on the investigation. Protect the Investigation

Hey there --

Hours and hours of our news cycle every week are devoted to untangling the facts in the special counsel’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. It feels like every day there’s a new revelation, indictment, or tweet from President Trump stirring the pot.

We put together a team of nine legal, constitutional, and national security experts to ensure that Protect the Investigation, our partners, and YOU have the information and context needed to understand the latest developments. That includes their insights and expertise into the 199 crimes uncovered and 37 people and entities already charged as part of the investigation.

Follow Protect the Investigation on Facebook and Twitter to stay up-to-date with all the latest information on the special counsel’s investigation, as well as analyses and insights from our expert advisory board.

In the era of misinformation campaigns and “fake news”, it’s more important than ever that we #FollowTheFacts so that President Trump and his administration can be held accountable for any wrongdoing.

Thanks and stay tuned,
The Protect the Investigation Team



© 2019 Protect the Investigation