A message from our sponsor

Fellow Conservative,


If you have watched any of the impeachment hearings, seen President Trump’s twitter feed, or seen the far-Left talking heads melt down on television over the past few days - then you know who I am.

I am Rep. Elise Stefanik and I am the 35-year-old Republican Congresswoman standing between the Democrats and our American Democracy.

Here are the FACTS that the Democrats don’t want you to know:


  1. The Trump Administration provided defensive lethal aid to Ukraine… the Obama Administration DID NOT. 
  2. There was NO investigation into Joe Biden.
  3. Obama’s own State Department was so concerned with Hunter Biden’s role at Burisma that they raised the problem while preparing the Ambassador for her confirmation. 


Since I exposed the Obama State Department’s own concern about Hunter Biden, the Left has mobilized every resource they have against me. Help me fight back!

Hollywood elites attacking me and pouring money into my opponent’s campaign, a massive influx of small-dollar donations from the far-Left propaganda machine, even George Conway calling me “Trash” and spreading a FAKE photo of me.

The Left is doing everything they can to tear me down for exposing their lies and sham impeachment. They are running ads on TV and digital attacking me and I need the resources to stand up to their smear campaign.

Please contribute now to help me fight back against these baseless attacks.

The Democrats and their allies in the liberal media are absolutely foaming at the mouth in their desire to tear me down. And why? Because I’ve dared to tell the American people the truth about their Sham Impeachment. 

Well, I’ve got news for them: I won’t back down in my defense of President Trump. 

And with your help, I’m not going anywhere.

Please donate any amount to my campaign to send a message to the Democrats that we are standing with President Trump and we will not stop fighting for the truth.

Thank you for your continued support and encouragement.


Elise Stefanik
