John -- here are three quick things you need to know about the most competitive Senate election this year:

  • The Wall Street Journal names Tim as the Democrats’ most important candidate running in 2022 and CNN ranks us as one of the likeliest seats to flip.
  • Polls show Tim neck-and-neck with his GOP opponents. That makes Ohio our best chance to flip a Senate seat blue and expand the Senate majority for Democrats.
  • But Tim is running against millionaires backed by billionaires. The GOP is already spending $80 MILLION to defeat our campaign.

Reaching our first FEC end-of-quarter goal next week is absolutely critical to ensuring we have the resources to build a campaign that can fight back and flip this Senate seat. If you can, will you split a donation of $10 (or more!) between Tim Ryan and Serve America to help us meet our goal and expand the Senate?


Thanks for all you do to power our campaign.

— Team Ryan