Hi folks, I’ll get right to it —
My campaign is coming up on our FEC deadline, our most important fundraising deadline to date. After crunching the numbers with my campaign staff, we need to raise $14,550 to be in a good position at the end of this quarter.
Before I go any further, I have to ask you – will you chip in to help my campaign reach its crucial end-of-quarter goal? I’d be enormously grateful.
Look, I know what you’re thinking – what makes this goal so different from all of the others?
The FEC deadline requires that every campaign submit their fundraising receipts that show how much money they were able to raise. And if our campaign doesn’t show that we were able to meet our benchmark for fundraising, Republicans will see this seat as vulnerable.
I want to be clear that I’m doing everything I can on the ground to make sure that Nevada’s 3rd District stays blue in November. With that said, failing to reach this end-of-quarter goal could put a lot at risk for our campaign.
We need to keep our eye on the objective (winning the election!) and the reasons why we’re fighting for it. Whether it’s protecting abortion rights, lowering prescription drug costs, growing our job market, or fighting for equality – there’s too much on the line in this election to sit out.
I need you in this fight with me.
Can you join our fight by chipping in to help my campaign reach its end-of-quarter goal?
I know we can get this done if we work together.
Let’s go!
Susie Lee