From Connecticut Democrats <[email protected]>
Subject the GOP wants to raise taxes, Democrats want to lower taxes
Date March 26, 2022 4:52 PM
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John, Nancy sent you an important email yesterday about why the Connecticut Democratic Party needs your support before next week’s end-of-quarter fundraising deadline.

Here’s a summary: we need your help stopping Republicans from repealing the Affordable Care Act and raising taxes on seniors, retirees, and working families.

Please see Nancy’s long but important email below about why we’re working so hard to stop the Republican Party’s radical agenda, then donate to help us mobilize Democratic voters across Connecticut ahead of November: [[link removed]]

DONATE NOW [[link removed]]

Original Message from Nancy DiNardo, CT Democratic Party Chair:

John, this is a long but important email about what’s at stake in this year’s elections.

Please let me explain why the Connecticut Democratic Party is asking for your support today, then if you can, donate here to help Democrats win in November. [[link removed]]

As you may know, Republicans recently revealed that if they win control of the U.S. House and Senate this November, they intend to pursue a radical agenda focused on repealing the Affordable Care Act and raising taxes for more than half of Americans.

That’s right: Republicans have united behind a plan to raise health care premiums and strip coverage while raising taxes on seniors, retirees, and working families.

Meanwhile, Democrats are united in the fight to make health care more affordable for every American and put money back in the pockets of middle class families.

Governor Lamont signed a gas tax cut bill into law this week to bring much-needed relief to Connecticut families, and CT Democrats are currently preparing further tax cuts for working and middle-class families, retirees, and people with student loans.

This week we also celebrated the 12-year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) becoming law — 375,539 Connecticut residents have gained health coverage through the ACA, which has substantially lowered the cost of health care for millions of Americans.

That’s what Democrats do, John, and that’s what Democrats will continue to do if we protect our majorities in this year’s elections.

Earlier this month, President Biden called on Congress to lower the cost of prescription drugs, tackle the climate crisis while creating millions of good-paying jobs, and take comprehensive action to reduce gun violence — all of this and more is within reach.

But only if we protect our majorities and stop the GOP’s radical agenda. That means building support for Democrats across our state in the months ahead to get out the vote for Governor Lamont, Senator Blumenthal, and other Democrats down the ballot.

The Connecticut Democratic Party is mobilizing our state’s Democratic volunteers, organizers, and voters — now we need your help funding this work. Please click here to donate before next week’s quarterly fundraising deadline: [[link removed]]

DONATE NOW [[link removed]]

We need to raise $20,000 before March 31st to continue expanding our organizing work across Connecticut, and any amount that you give will help us get there.

Thank you for reading, and thank you for your support!

Nancy DiNardo
CT Democratic Party Chair
CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street Suite
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States
[link removed]
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