Ilhan for Congress


I will always put people first, never corporate interests. Here’s what it means to me to run a people-first campaign:

  1. I’m not a status quo candidate — I’m a refugee and first-generation college student who got a real shot at the American Dream, and I’m working to stop economic injustice from holding people back from pursuing dreams of their own.

  2. I’m fighting every day to advance our shared progressive priorities — from Medicare for All, to guaranteed housing, to student debt cancellation — that lift up workers and families, and are a direct threat to the agenda of major corporations.

  3. I work for you, not corporations, so I will never accept a dime from corporate PACs. But that means our movement relies on supporters like you to power our organizing work — especially now that we’re up against a new conservative Democrat challenger in a race that’s bound to get expensive.

So, can you help power our people-first campaign by chipping in any amount before our end-of-quarter fundraising deadline? Here’s the best link to donate:

Every single donation adds up and makes a difference — like reaching someone who’s never voted before or helping our campaign secure the Democratic nomination. Thanks for giving what you can today.

In solidarity,

Ilhan Omar