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Problem solving by problem solvers...  

Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has brought about shock and horror. It has also made nuclear conflict a serious concern for the first time in nearly four decades — and has inspired a host of ambitious rogue states. 

The Washington Post’s David Ignatius writes, “NATO isn’t intervening directly in this war with a no-fly zone because Russia has 4,000 nuclear weapons. It’s that simple. … The lesson won’t be lost on Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea — go down the list. This war might prove the greatest stimulus to nuclear proliferation in history.” 

About 650 miles west of Kyiv in Vienna, negotiators are crafting a dangerous deal with Iran that could lift the Foreign Terrorist Organization designation on the Revolutionary Guard Corps that has been linked to more than 600 American deaths, and that would reward an aspiring nuclear state that has been strengthening ties with both Russia and China. The images from Ukraine are haunting, but the work being done in Vienna could turn out to be equally devastating. 

Our National Co-chair, former Senator Joe Lieberman, joined Ryan and me for the No Labeling podcast this week, where he warned that Iran is “an extremist, terrorist, and lying country, and it’s pretty hard to make a reasonable agreement with them.” That’s why No Labels and our Capitol Hill allies are insisting that President Biden consult with senators and representatives about any deal with Tehran — and that any agreement be bipartisan. 

We are also seeing two-party work from our folks as they seek to craft a national energy security policy. 

Driven by the emergency created by Russia, of course, these efforts are nonetheless proceeding with the calm, rational, and deliberative process that our problem solvers on Capitol Hill now routinely use to push towards legislative ideas that can pass — and can work. 

So, on a trio of issues dominating Washington — Ukraine, energy, and Iran — we can all be very proud of (and grateful for) the central role our congressional allies are playing. 

If you are on social media, please go on Twitter, Facebook, and/or Instagram to encourage these stalwart members to stay at it. 

No Labeling Podcast Episode 23 - Lieberman on the State of the World 
By Ryan Clancy & Me

No Labels National Co-chair Senator Joseph Lieberman joins Ryan and me to give his expert perspective on the war in Ukraine and the dangers of a possible nuclear deal with Iran.

Five Facts on Iran's Nuclear Ambitions 
By No Labels

The Biden administration is seeking a renewed nuclear agreement with Iran that would revive key elements of the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action that the U.S. exited in 2018.


Hogan Takes Action on Gas Prices
By An America United 

While lots of “leaders” are talking about soaring gas prices — mainly saying there’s not much they can do about it — No Labels National Co-chair Governor Larry Hogan is taking action, making Maryland the first state to pause gas taxes in order to bring down consumer prices at the pump.

Opinion: Why the Senate should insist Biden submit his dangerous Iran nuclear deal to a vote 
By John Bolton 

Fear of an incandescent political reaction against the agreement was well-grounded; it will erupt shortly, with the announcement of a deal reportedly imminent. At that moment, the Senate must assert its constitutional rights on treaty-making.

Senate Begins Work on America COMPETES/USICA Legislation 
By Lamar Johnson

The Senate voted March 21 to invoke cloture on House-passed legislation designed to fully fund the CHIPS Act to boost domestic semiconductor production and create a new technology directorate at the National Science Foundation.

Governor Hogan Announces Donation of Critically-Needed Ventilators to Ukraine 
By Gov. Larry Hogan

The State of Maryland continues to stand in solidarity with President Zelensky and the people of Ukraine,” said Governor Hogan. “We are proud to make this donation to help save lives and aid the Ukrainains in the fight against Russian aggression.

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Should there be a new Iran Nuclear Deal?


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