AB 1993 will be heard in
Assembly Labor and Employment Committee
next Wednesday at 1:30pm
Email legislators on the Committee TODAY
asking them to Oppose AB 1993!
AB 1993 Employment: COVID-19 vaccination requirements, introduced by Asm Buffy Wicks would require both private and public employers to require all employees or independent contractors to show proof of full vaccination against COVID-19, until the CDC determines that COVID-19 vaccinations are no longer necessary for the health and safety of individuals. Financial penalties would be imposed on employers who fail to comply. The requirement would not apply to a person who is ineligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine due to a medical condition or disability or because of a sincerely held religious belief. Even if you are vaccinated, this bill will affect you because there is no information on the number of boosters that would be required in the future. (https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220AB1993)
AB 1993 will be heard in the Assembly Labor and Employment Committee on Wednesday March 30 at 1:30pm.
A Voice for Choice Advocacy sent a detailed letter to the Assembly Labor and Employment Committee outlining our numerous concerns with the bill. You can read our letter here: (https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/AVFCA-AB1993-Letter-of-Opposition-Wicks.pdf)
Take Action TODAY!
1) Email the Assembly Labor and Employment Committee Members: Go to: https://secure.everyaction.com/eHXUkWuvzUycq0EmsNu6uA2 A Voice for Choice Advocacy has made it easy for you to email the Assembly Members on the Labor and Employment Committee to ask them to Oppose AB 1993. For legislators to read your email (and not assume it as a mass marketing campaign), it is important that your letter is personalized to your situation, so be sure to outline how AB 1993 would affect you and your family. You can use some of the talking points from AVFCA's letter (but don't copy it!): https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/AVFCA-AB1993-Letter-of-Opposition-Wicks.pdf
2) If you are a business owner, call your local Chamber of Commerce and City Council, and ask them to oppose AB 1993
- Not sure how to reach your Chamber of Commerce, find their contact here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VPqnDz4-wZ7brQx-cquFm-4-rh-LM5_0vQO5vuPv8oI/edit?usp=sharing
3) If you are part of a Union, call your Union representative and Union Labor Relations representative and ask the union to oppose AB 1993
4) Forward this email to anyone who is employed or is an Independent Contractor working in California or for a California based company. Share this email on social media: https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/action-alert-ab-1993-asm-labor-employment-hearing/
Over the past 7 years, A Voice for Choice Advocacy has established itself as the leading legislative organization lobbying in the California Capitol for your health rights. While A Voice for Choice Advocacy's lobbying activity in the Capitol is important, your positive constituent relationships with your CA State Senator and Assembly Member and their staff are critical to assisting with A Voice for Choice Advocacy's efforts in the Capitol.
If you found this information helpful and appreciate the work A Voice for Choice Advocacy is doing, please support us by making a donation today.

Together we can make change happen!
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
