John, 2022 is shaping up to be a pivotal year in our fight to save free elections – and we need your help to design the most impactful campaigns.
With elections under attack, we need to play both offense and defense. Right now we're building out our campaigns through November, and we need input from RepresentUs members to design the most effective strategies and messaging.
Will you take this 3-minute survey to help us build the most effective strategies to protect and strengthen free elections this year?
Our democracy is facing two critical fights right now:
- Since the 2020 election, powerful and wealthy authoritarian forces have begun attempting to seize control of our elections.We must stop them.
- The two-party duopoly has weakened our democracy by making politicians more accountable to donors than voters. We’ve identified ranked choice voting (RCV) as an effective, popular solution.
That's why in the coming months, we're prioritizing campaigns to protect our elections from authoritarian takeover in battleground states, and passing ranked choice voting in cities and states across America.
For the last decade, RepresentUs has focused on pointing the power of our movement towards state fights to protect and strengthen our democracy – and our work is always shaped by voters like you.
That’s why we need your input as we're developing these campaigns. In this survey, you'll tell us what motivates you, and which messages resonate with you. With your input, we can design campaigns that leverage the power of our movement to make the most impact.
Diverse perspectives from across America are key to this movement’s success. Will you take a few minutes to represent District of Columbia in your survey?

Jen Johnson Movement Director RepresentUs