
Dear Friend,


It’s been an exciting month for the All Hands In campaign here at Adhikaar - and our nail salon worker members are feeling the love from this community of supporters. It’s been several weeks since we’ve reached out after our campaign launch, so we wanted to share some exciting updates and let you know that the campaign is about to kick it into high gear this spring!

On this day - the 111th anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire - we are reminded of the history of women workers and strive to continue to recognize the power of immigrant women fighting for safe and dignified workplaces over 100 years later.


We are so excited to share with you a brand new video from More Perfect Union released just a few days ago, showing why New York must pass the Nail Salon Minimum Standards Council Act, and bring workers' voices and demands to the forefront of the fight to improve this industry.

The video project features our very own worker leaders - Goma, Bina, Maya and Sabita - members of Adhikaar’s Nail Salon Workers’ Association Steering Committee. Shot at newly worker-turned-owner Deepa Shrish’s salon in Ridgewood, we want to thank the More Perfect Union team and of course, our bill’s champion Senator Ramos, for making this project a memorable one.


And in case you missed it, check out our most recent coverage in the Guardian, Univision and more in local news.

As always, we are grateful for the support of individuals like you who believe in the power of organizing immigrant workers to achieve human rights and social justice for all. Please consider donating today to ensure that we can continue this transformational work.


Have a restful weekend.


In solidarity,  


Prarthana Gurung,

Director of Campaigns & Communications, Adhikaar