Every day the climate crisis gets worse and in the U.S., transportation is the largest source of carbon emissions, producing over 28% of greenhouse gases.
That’s why Louis DeJoy’s finalized plan to have the U.S. Postal Service purchase over 100,000 new gas-powered trucks that only get 8 miles per gallon must be reversed.
Thankfully there is a bill that would stop DeJoy’s purchase of these gas-guzzling vehicles, The Green Postal Service Fleet Act of 2022.
This bill would prohibit the United States Postal Service from carrying out its contract for a new generation vehicle fleet unless the fleet is at least 75 percent electric.
With 68 co-sponsors in the House currently, we need to get every member of Congress in the House and Senate on board and pass The Green Postal Service Fleet Act.
Tell Congress: Block DeJoy’s Bad Deal! The USPS contract must require at least 75% electric trucks.
If we’re going to stop catastrophic climate change before it’s too late, we have to take it on anywhere and everywhere we can.
We can make a huge leap forward by ensuring America’s second-largest vehicle fleet, one-third of the federal government's entire fleet isn’t powered by 8 miles per gallon trucks that have the efficiency of a hummer.
There is no reason why the USPS fleet can’t go electric. We just have to take on DeJoy and push Congress to act.
Tell Congress: Block DeJoy’s Bad Deal! The USPS contract must require at least 75% electric trucks.
Thank you for doing your part in calling on our leaders to stop DeJoy.
- Tre
Tre Graves
Digital Organizing Coordinator
Democracy for America