The Hill: After two long years, it’s past time to end Newsom’s emergency powers


In March 2020, California Gov. Gavin Newsom declared a statewide public health emergency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, allowing him to issue lockdown orders and close businesses however he saw fit.

Yet after so long—and even as COVID cases drop—Newsom’s emergency order remains in place, and as Luke Wake tells us, until state lawmakers step up, he’s free to use “emergency” powers again.

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Senators shouldn’t treat Supreme Court confirmation hearings as theater



It was with some trepidation that the nation approached this week’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. Would the hearings descend into a Twitter-mobbing reality TV show, or would they focus on the qualifications of Judge Jackson? If you’ve been watching, you saw important discussion about the law, but you also saw plenty of reality TV.

Jim Burling writes that there’s a lot at stake in any judicial nomination, so the Senate should do its job and do it correctly.

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New PLF case: Illegally appointed DC bureaucrat threatens Hawaii’s swim-with-dolphins experiences


swim with dolphins

With the stroke of a pen, a low-level federal bureaucrat in DC has banned dolphin encounters in Hawaii, devastating a thriving industry that is central to the livelihoods of many Hawaiians and enriches the lives of individuals worldwide.

It turns out that the civil servant who issued the rule was never authorized to wield such vast power. The dolphin rule, therefore, is unlawful, and Hawaii business owners and professionals are fighting back.

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