We get one chance at a first impression for this re-election campaign.
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Hey friends, it's Gavin.

I can’t believe we’re already here – our first official campaign finance deadline of 2022 is this month. And it matters a lot – I’ll tell you why.

We get one chance at a first impression for this re-election campaign. My opponents and the California GOP will be watching to see if our campaign is as strong this year as it was last year. And the fundraising goals we set for this campaign aren’t arbitrary – they're what we need to turn out as many voters as possible to keep California blue.

A lot is at risk – not just this governor’s race – but races all the way up and down the ballot, from the state legislature to the U.S. Senate.

Underperforming means we risk losing all the progress we’ve made – from education to the environment – at the hands of radical Republicans just waiting for us to trip up.You and I both know that we can’t let that happen.

Races in California are going to be extremely close, and I know our opponents are spending huge sums of money trying to flip seats for Republicans.

That’s why I’m reaching out to see if you can chip in $5, $10, $20 – anything to help us get to a good spot before this fundraising deadline on March 31st.

Can you please make a $3 contribution to my re-election campaign before our March 31st fundraising deadline? Your support will go directly towards turning out voters throughout the state of California.


During the recall, we built the largest direct voter contact operation California has ever seen. It’s the reason why we won so many seats, while other states like New Jersey and Pennsylvania lost to the GOP.

Your support means the world to me – especially in the world we’re living in. With so much uncertainty, we can’t take anything for granted.

The individual donation you make before we have to report our numbers could help make the difference in keeping California blue.

Thank you,

Gavin Newsom




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