Cow power: Indian coal state seeks greener energy from dung

As Chhattisgarh seeks alternatives to fossil fuels, rural women's groups will be equipped to run biogas production, boosting electricity access and incomes, says its top minister

England players Qatar World Cup platform to highlight human rights issues

Homosexuality is illegal in Qatar while a report by Amnesty International found that thousands of migrant workers in the country were being exploited, which Qatar has denied.

Utah governor vetoes bill banning trans girls in school sports

The controversial bill would have banned transgender girls from participating in girls’ sports in schools

How is Europe helping Ukraine's refugee children?

From governments to volunteers, here's some of the ways Europeans are helping families fleeing the Ukraine war


OPINION: Out of Ukraine war, a plan for Africa's food security

A foreign conflict has exposed Africa’s dependence on imports and is galvanising action to boost local food production and tackle climate threats

OPINION: Why world's youth are using climate strike to call for reparations

Fridays For Future activists take to the streets today to demand climate reparations and justice. Reparations are not charity, but an obligation of the Global North

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