Once again, friend, Liz Cheney could be spending her time fighting for you against Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi's arrogant authoritarianism.
But instead, she's wasting it at fancy cocktail parties with Mitt Romney, John Boehner, and the NeoCons who long ago sold out our country . . .
And are clamoring for War with Russia!
Is it any wonder?
These career politicians are more beholden to CNN anchors than to you and me, and they'll do anything to keep power.
That's not me, friend.
As you know, I've spent my entire life fighting for Wyomingites against Big Government overreach, and unlike Liz Cheney, I'll actually fight for Americans like you in Congress.
But first, I'll need your help to get there.
So I must ask, friend: Will you show your support for my America First campaign to defeat Liz Cheney with an $35 donation BEFORE the end of quarter fundraising deadline?
I truly hope the answer is YES.
And am asking you to use it to rush your donation to my campaign in the next 24 hours because we are scraping up against one of this year's most important filing deadlines.
You should know we have our work cut out for us.
Even before she turned to one of Jeb Bush's top supporters to throw her recent fundraiser, Cheney reported a record-braking haul last year - and currently sits on $4.72 million dollars of elitist, Never-Trumper cash!
It's not hard to see how she got it - after all, at her recent fundraiser with Mitt Romney, she charged "VIPs" over $10,000 just to attend!
But what's truly scary?
Liz Cheney raised that money by calling conservatives like you "crazies" and a "threat" to our Democracy, repeating the same old LIES that Democrats and the Media have spread.
I'm not going to let her get away with it, and I hope you won't either.
So please, would you consider making a generous donation to my campaign to defeat her?
Now, friend, I'm not tone deaf enough to ask my supporters for $10,000 amidst Joe Biden's self-induced inflation nightmare.
I know real Americans are hurting, and that every dollar I receive from patriots like you is a blessing.
So, if you can't quite afford to make a $35 donation to my campaign, I hope you'll make the very best donation you can.
Because while polls show Cheney is in trouble, she can still buy her way out of it - especially if Democrat donors continue to help her.
So, know that if you're able to make a large donation of $1,000 or more, that will certainly bolster my campaign as we take our message to all 98 thousand square miles of Wyoming!
But, whether you can give just a few dollars for small expenses, or $1,000 dollars to help with larger expenses like TV ads, the important point is that you rush back your donation within the next 24 hours.
After all, Cheney's establishment backers are powerful, and the closer we get to the election, the more we can expect career politicians like Mitt Romney to try to bail her out.
Your donation, and your continued support, helps me fight back. And it helps me keep momentum in this must win race for our America First Conservative movement.
And in case I haven't said it enough, friend: Thank You.
I couldn't have made it this far without you. Your support - especially your financial support - is a tremendous blessing. And it will help us defeat Liz Cheney and put We the People before Big Government.