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MWC applauds Howard faculty union deal, urges similar change for Howard nurses
MWC President Forester appointed to DC Build Back Better Infrastructure Task Force
DC Budget Education Forum for labor set for next Wednesday
Alabama Rally for Warrior Met
Shot clock ticking: Wizards Labor Night is coming up Tuesday
Today's Labor Quote
Today's Labor History
[link removed] LABOR CALENDAR; click here for latest listings
Union City Radio: 7:15am daily
WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here to hear today's report
[link removed] George Mason University Worker Rights Coalition: Fri, March 25, 12pm - 1pm
Coalition of students, faculty, alumni, campus employees, and contract workers at GMU.
Triangle Fire Commemoration Virtual Ceremony: Fri, March 25, 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Join the Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition and LaborArts for a moving program with music, poetry and a tribute to the incomparable Ed Vargas. [link removed] Register here
WomynSong Concert: Saturday, March 26⋅7:00 - 9:00pm
$5-$100 (no one turned away); [link removed] CLICK HERE for tickets.
Hosted by the Labor Heritage Foundation. Performers include Bev Grant, Lynn Marie Smith, Colleen Kattau, Jendog Lonewolf, Luci Murphy, Rebel Voices, Jillian Matundan, Crys Matthews, Emma's Revolution, Lilliana Herrera, Cathy Fink & Marcy Marxer, Al Bradbury.
Wizards Labor Night (Wizards' vs Chicago Bulls): Tue, March 29, 7pm - 11pm
[link removed] CLICK HERE to order individual tickets ($19 - $175).
The Metro Washington Labor Council's Community Services Agency will receive $5.00 per ticket sold. Group sales: Grant Mintz - 202-661-5075; mailto:
[email protected] [email protected]
Confirm Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson now! Call on the U.S. Senate to deliver a speedy and fair confirmation process. [link removed] Click to Call. Toll Free 866-832-1560. [link removed] Sign the Petition.
MWC applauds Howard faculty union deal, urges similar change for Howard nurses
The Metro Washington Labor Council on Wednesday applauded the Teaching Faculty Union at Howard University (SEIU Local 500) on their historic tentative bargaining agreement. The agreement, reached in the early-morning hours, averted a threatened 3-day strike.
"In a moment of true strength and solidarity, Howard faculty union members came together and used the power of collective action to stand up for a fair and just contract they rightfully deserve," said Metro Washington Labor Council President Dyana Forester. "While we're celebrating this tentative victory, we're also keeping up the same energy and focus on our DC Nurses Association union siblings at Howard University Hospital," added Forester. "These nurses are fighting for safe staffing and treatment. Our city's patients are only as safe as their nurses, and when you have one nurse for five patients or more, it puts everyone at risk." The Metro Council said that Howard University President Frederick "has demonstrated his willingness to work with the faculty union and the Metro Washington Labor Council expects him to engage with DCNA."
MWC President Forester appointed to DC Build Back Better Infrastructure Task Force
Metro Washington Council President Dyana Forester was appointed yesterday to the DC Build Back Better Infrastructure Task Force. The Task Force comprises members from District agencies and external partners like the MWC to ensure the District's effectiveness in securing and deploying federal dollars "while creating transformative, equitable, and sustainable projects that will impact residents across the District and generations of Washingtonians to come." "I look forward to working with my fellow task force members to enhance our community's infrastructure and the creation of high-wage jobs with strong labor standards," said Forester. "We can indeed build back better when our residents benefit from development and are not displaced." photo: Dejah Williams/Union City
DC Budget Education Forum for labor set for next Wednesday
With the budget season upon us, the Metro Washington Labor Council "wants to create an opportunity for our affiliate unions to develop a better understanding of the DC budget process and how it impacts labor and your members," says MWC president Dyana Forester. The [link removed] DC COPE Budget Education Forum is scheduled for Wednesday, March 30 at 2p. "This will also be an opportunity to understand what is in 2023's proposed budget and how we can advocate for labor's priorities," adds Forester. The Metro Council will be joined by the DC Fiscal Policy Institute and DC Jobs With Justice. Be sure to [link removed] register ahead of time and provide budget questions you'd like addressed.
Alabama Rally for Warrior Met
Join UMWA for the Alabama Rally for Warrior Met on Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 12632 Confederate Parkway, McCalla, Alabama. Buses are scheduled to travel from Virginia to Alabama on April 5th. Please contact Kelly Smith, UMWA at
[email protected] for more information or questions on travel and the event.
Shot clock ticking: Wizards Labor Night is coming up Tuesday
With just days before the first-ever Wizards Labor Night next Tuesday, time is running out to get your tickets for the March 29 game between the Wizards and the Chicago Bulls. "This is sure to be an exciting game and it's a wonderful opportunity to support our very own Community Services Agency," says MWC president Dyana Forester, who also serves as President of CSA, which will receive $5 for each ticket sold. "We really appreciate the support from those who have already purchased tickets," added CSA Executive Director Letycia Pastrana. "Every dollar raised will directly aid local union families in need."[link removed] CLICK HERE to order individual tickets ($19 - $175); for group sales, contact Grant Mintz: 202-661-5075; mailto:
[email protected] [email protected].
Today's labor quote: Lya Sorano
"When we talk about equal pay for equal work, women in the workplace are beginning to catch up. If we keep going at this current rate, we will achieve full equality in about 475 years. I don't know about you, but I can't wait that long."
This week's Labor History Today podcast: [link removed] Jane Street and the Rebel Maids of Denver; Last week's show: [link removed] Union women heroes, past and present.
March 25
First "Poor People's March" on Washington, in which jobless workers demanded creation of a public works program. Led by populist Jacob Coxey, the 500 to 1,000 unemployed protesters became known as "Coxey's Army" - 1894
146 workers are killed in a fire at New York's Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, a disaster that would launch a national movement for safer working conditions - 1911 (see poem)
An explosion at a coal mine in Centralia, Ill. kills 111 miners. Mineworkers President John L. Lewis calls a six day work stoppage by the nation's 400,000 soft coal miners to demand safer working conditions - 1947
March 26
San Francisco brewery workers begin a 9 month strike as local employers follow the union-busting lead of the National Brewer's Assn. and fire their unionized workers, replacing them with scabs. Two unionized brewers refused to go along, kept producing beer, prospered wildly and induced the Association to capitulate. A contract benefit since having unionized two years earlier, certainly worth defending: free beer - 1868
March 27
Mother Jones is ordered to leave Colorado, where state authorities accuse her of "stirring up" striking coal miners - 1904
U.S. Supreme Court rules that undocumented workers do not have the same rights as Americans when they are wrongly fired - 2002
- David Prosten
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.
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